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My Projects

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V-ASSIST: Vehicle Assistance and Safety System

Duration: 02 / 2022 To 07 / 2022

Project Details:

• V-ASSIST is an “Automobile Safety and Assistance System” which converts a simple non-autonomous vehicle into a “Level-4 Autonomous Self-Driving vehicle”.
• This project got recognition from the KSCST (Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology) and following it we got a Grant from the State Government.

V-ASSIST Github V-ASSIST Demonstration Video

PROTIUM: A Smart Switch

Duration: 02 / 2021 To 07 / 2021

Project Details:

• PROTIUM is a hand-held device which converts simple house to a smart IoT controlled house.
• The key objectives of PROTIUM were to: research, design, implement and evaluate.
• A Smart Switch Control System (SSCS) and evaluate the system in terms of its accuracy and time to control switches.

PROTIUM Github PROTIUM Demonstration Video

Drowsiness Detector

Duration: 05 / 2020 To 07 / 2020

Project Details:

• This Module can be used to detect if a user is sleep deprived or not elegantly.
• The user is required to wear a modified safety helmet that does not hinder the users activities.
• The key objective is the recurrent detection of eye blinks of user and alert the user about dizziness and induced drowsiness due to lethargy.

PROTIUM Github PROTIUM Demonstration Video